
Showing posts from September, 2015

How to install/enable NetFramework 3.5 on Windows 8/8.1

Microsoft Windows 8/8.1 comes with the .NET 4 but it doesn't include .NET 3.5(include .NET 2.0 and 3.0). But if you have upgraded your windows 7 into 8 then you will get .NET Framework 3.5 fully enabled. To check that .NET Framework 3.5 is enabled in your computer, follow the below steps: Step 1: Open Control Panel and click on Uninstall or change a program. Step 2:  Click on Turn windows features on or off As you can  see that .NET Framework 3.5 (includes .NET 2.0 and 3.0) feature is disabled. You can enable the feature using the following two methods. Installing .NET 3.5 online If you see the following error while installing or running a software that means that software requires .NET 3.5. So, if you have an internet connection then you can simply click on Install this feature and install the feature from the internet. You can also enable this feature by opening Turn Windows features on or off and then click on .NET Fram...

Microsoft Office 2016 is about to release

A leaked document confirms that Microsoft is launching it's new version of Office on September 22, 2015. Currently, Microsoft is running a preview program for Office 2016 just like the Microsoft Windows 10. Internal documents obtained by shows that Office 2016 is set to launch in less than a month for home and professional users. You can see the details here  about the leaked document. What's New Microsoft Office 2016 is coming up with lots of amazing features. Some of them are as follows: Math input control: Math input control will now be available in Word, Excel, PowePoint after Outlook and Windows. Now you can just write match equations with a pen or a pointing device or even with your fingers and then have the ink covered into a typed format. Quick Shape Formatting This feature increases the number of default shape styles by introducing new “preset” styles in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. New and improved timeline view ...

Google's new logo

Hii guys.... On 1st September, Google updated it's new logo. Just visit and watch out the new logo of Google. Before this Google changed it's logo in September 2013 and now they changed it on 1st September. The logo becomes part of the new family includes the Google dots and 'G' icon. It looks like this: Google is doing rapid changes to it's products and now it changed it's logo. To read more about google's new logo you can visit the following link on google's official blog: